This anime was released in January 2010 and was based on the manga of the same title by the mangaka Tamaki Nozomu . The story revolves around Mina Teppes which in originally watching this series I thought she was saying Tapas a Spanish light meal. Mina is the queen of the vampire world which in till recently has kept in secret from society . Now Mina has decided to announce to the world that their kind exisits to the human world and they are moving their kind to a island purchased from the japanese government by paying off the country's national debt . The story starts off to a good start with minor annoyances coming to mind like Mina's appears as a 10 year who I can not respect or empathies in the story . Then comes the male protagonist Akira who is the cliqued lost memories approach who finds out hes a werewolf . This had some good points using elements like terrorism and being a outcast trying to gain acceptance but loses all points when it promises stuff it cant keep . This was released along the times of the moe season of doom
Saturday, May 14, 2011
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