So the First series takes place with Twilight Sparkle taking the narrative position trying to make the show a educational so for international viewers when you see e/i symbol on certain shows that means they are trying to make a educational show . After the semi success of the educational part of the show but a huge success with tribute to various TV shows movies and Internet memes . They knew they had a hit. In comes Season 2 we see 2 major changes besides the stepping down of Lauren Faust . The first major change was the drop of the educational marker leaving the whole educational portion and focusing on the true secret of success with the show a mixture of tribute to many different shows and movies and a small bit of pandering especially when giving background character a bit of speech aka Derpy the ditsy pony .The other major change was the step down of twilight sparkle as main narrative focus so some episodes don't even have her in it.
But what really is fascinates me as a non devout follower of the show is quite simple . the world is unlike its previous predecessors . Its not a Utopian society . They are villains that have well thought out plans Nightmare moon a sister demi god that wants to choke the world out of oxygen why because she represents the moon and always in the shadow of her perfect sister . Discord a complete misfit and reject from the higher demi god world that with a joker approach just wants to see the world burn and the changeling what I think is the mutated aftermath of what happens when demi gods reproduce and go wrong . And what tops it off is simple background characters some of them are born with brand marks or cutie marks in the show of being gifted at being crazy so naturally its a world where one can be born unbalanced . Now where is the downside of the show . Well a show that has such a huge following can be over hyped at times some episodes such as the Jr ponies or cutie mark crusaders can be annoying since they never learn the lesson they are supposed to learn and seem to be focused. Now the real question is what is season 3 going to be like will it live up to the rest and what will happen with the Fandom after the dreaded episode 72 mark will they disappear into other fandoms or give up the con scene or ( I know I keep using the "or" too much) the real fear is the die hard creepy fans out there calling for someones head or the blood of someone if the show ends. When I asked the Leader and Admin of Bronies of Ireland about me writing this article he said "I look forward to reading it" . Lets hope he still feels the same after the article is read since he knows where I live. MLP 3.8/5 horse puns